Thursday, 3 October 2013

Wasting time.

Procrastination is an ugly word. But sadly, it's also really fun. That must be the biggest "guilty pleasure" i have. Pretty "nerdy"actually. But, please, before you judge me, let me defend myself.
Most people think procrastinating it's inevitably bad (i mean, you are actually not doing what you should), but i think that you can do lots of useful stuff even when you are avoiding your duties. What's this nonsense, you say? For example, research about something interesting. There are lots of different topics to investigate, and, let's face it, it's impossible to know everything, so that's more than enough to keep anyone busy.
Why i like this time of procrastination? The word tends to evocate images like the Spongebob episode when he had to make a simple essay and failed misserably. But the difference of (let me call it this way) "Research Procrastination" with other types of procrastination is that, there's more possibility that the knowledge obtained will be useful some day. Of course, this requires a wise selection of the topics we want to learn about, since it's not the same to study about a funny moment of history, that about the way to pass the last level of a videogame. Discretion adviced.
Personally, this way of wasting my time has proven to be more than useful, because sooner or later the knowledge proves to be useful.

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