Thursday 3 October 2013

Where to go?

A place i'd like to visit? I guess i'd like to go to Italy.
I would like to travel to Italy mainly because i like medieval fencing (not the olympic, but the historically accurate). Italy was the homeland of Fiore dei Liberi, a medieval sword-master that wrote a book called "Fiore di Battaglia". This is a book about the use of different weapons and techniques in real battles. It was made as a reference for duels between the nobleman of that period, but it also served as a general reference. The arrive of firearms and cannons marked the end of these militar strategies, but the basic principles of these manuals are used now as martial arts. Sadly, Italy has one of Fiore's books, the "Flos Dellatorum", but this one is part of a private collection (but dreaming is free, isn't it?). Also, there's a street in Udine called Via Fiore dei Liberi after him. This is something quite remarkable if we think that he was part of a battle in Udine more than 600 years ago.
Also, i'd like to visit the Catacombs of the Cappucinos, in Sicily. The catacombs of the Cappucinos are subterranean catacombs with large hallways full of momified friars. They were buried there since the XVII century. This place is a famous turistic site.

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